StatusCode Enumeration
Enum StatusCode
ZarahDB_Library.EnumsAssembly: ZarahDB_Library (in ZarahDB_Library.dll)
Member name | Description | |
Continue | The continue | |
Switching_Protocols | The switching protocols | |
OK | The ok | |
Created | The created | |
Accepted | The accepted | |
Non_Authoritative_Information | The non authoritative information | |
No_Content | The no content | |
Reset_Content | The reset content | |
Partial_Content | The partial content | |
Multiple_Choices | The multiple choices | |
Moved_Permanently | The moved permanently | |
Found | The found | |
See_Other | The see other | |
Not_Modified | The not modified | |
Use_Proxy | The use proxy | |
Temporary_Redirect | The temporary redirect | |
Bad_Request | The bad request | |
Unauthorized | The unauthorized | |
Payment_Required | The payment required | |
Forbidden | The forbidden | |
Not_Found | The not found | |
Method_Not_Allowed | The method not allowed | |
Not_Acceptable | The not acceptable | |
Proxy_Authentication_Required | The proxy authentication required | |
Request_Timeout | The request timeout | |
Conflict | The conflict | |
Gone | The gone | |
Length_Required | The length required | |
Precondition_Failed | The precondition failed | |
Request_Entity_Too_Large | The request entity too large | |
Request_URI_Too_Long | The request URI too long | |
Unsupported_Media_Type | The unsupported media type | |
Requested_Range_Not_Satisfiable | The requested range not satisfiable | |
Expectation_Failed | The expectation failed | |
Internal_Server_Error | The internal server error | |
Not_Implemented | The not implemented | |
Bad_Gateway | The bad gateway | |
Service_Unavailable | The service unavailable | |
Gateway_Timeout | The gateway timeout | |
HTTP_Version_Not_Supported | The HTTP version not supported | |
Exception | The exception | |
Rolled_Back | The rolled back | |
Outside_Lock | The outside lock |